Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
Vicw President Lion Penny called the meeting to order at 7pm
Members Present: Lion Penny, Lions Jen and Dave Moon, Lion Judy, Lion Bud, Lion Doreen, Lions Ross and
Guests: Wess from Snohomish County Vikings
Tabled: Minutes from last meeting, Secretaries Report, Treasurers Report,
Straight to New Business:
Wes shared our responsibilities for the Lions 1st annual Vikings FootBall Game
- We need to be there at 3:30 and enter on 8th street
- We need to have the gates up by 4:00
- Game starts at 6:00 and ends around 9:00 without OT
- Penny and Dorreen will be leaving at 7:30
- We have 5 HS kids qued up to help, figure only 3 or 4 will show up.
- Team a kid with a lions club member
- Trying to get yellow t-shirts for the students that say STAFF and have the lions club logo
- Lion Judy will be getting change for the gates and popcorn stand
- Lion Moon will bring PowerStrips
Activity Report:
- Safety Fair on the 19th
- Setup Crew show up at 10:30 am at the Indian
- Dave will grab someone to go with him to get Ice
- Tickets Sales for the Vikings Game, not bad.
- Food Bank
Volunteer Report:
Lion Doreen 22.5 Hours
- March 5hours
- April 11.5hours
- May 7hours
Next Meeting:
May 23th, 2012 at 7pm, VOA, Big A-Fram